Have to agree with Barry... Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I'd like to think that
the things I had in common then are things I still have in common with y'all now.
And those things might be intangible and nonspecific, but they certainly went (and
go) far beyond a shared interest in the band.
To encourage Barry in his search: I've since found another friend-group similar to
the Lostees in a pile of local folk (and friends thereof) that just sort of glommed
together on Flickr.com and started hanging out on occasion to take photos
together... we eventually started a private Flickr group (we're a Cadre!) and it
functioned much like the List... we organized parties and shared stories and dreamt
up tee-shirts (Bink actually featured prominently in this once again!) and then
generally branched out well beyond the topic of photography, becoming good friends
off-line as much as on. Some of us even ventured up to NYC for a snowy weekend one
February a few years ago, proving once again that random groups of internet friends
can make interesting travel partners...hehehe! The Cadre was brilliantly vibrant
and fun... for a while. Then two of the more charismatic and organizational members
moved to other cities, and the group went public again in a new form (the DC Social
Flickr Group), and grew and headed off in a new direction (once again more photog
based)... and now I feel as though barely know anyone there. Much like I feel as
though I don't really know the Orchard anymore.
Of course, I've hung onto the friends I made, despite the loss of both the List and
the Cadre contexts. It makes me wonder if this isn't just how life goes: We keep
moving, and we hang onto those who *stick*. I'm ever so glad that some of you have
*stuck*... I'm excited to have caught up with some of you anew on Facebook (it's so
fun to see your lives expand and change and develop...) and I cherish the shared
memories with -all- of you!
And the Ouchy joke will. never. die. Sorry, Nik.
Post by Barry L.I just enjoyed opening my e-mail and being able to read all sorts of
thoughts from people I liked, didn't like, became friends with,
etc...on so many different topics. I play in a fantasy sports league
where there is daily communication by google group, but it is centered
around sports. And as much as I tried to center things around sports
on the listserv, there was WAY more to it. I just miss having this as
another place where people could challenge my way of thinking,
uncensored. I still think I would be able to read it the same way had
it come about in this time of my life. I may have not been able to
meet the wonderful people that I have met over the years (Hello, Bink,
Anita, Liesel, Ysobelle), in person because of now having kids and not
being able to go up to Philly and get introduced to Ouchie the
clown... But, I still think my contributions would be the same.
E-mail suits me. I can honestly say that I haven't heard/bought any
new Over the Rhine since Drunkard's Prayer and I KNOW that would be
different. I miss Dan's lists. Kelvin's thoughtful posts and just
the overall way that this place made me smile on a regular basis...and
get PO'd and talk it out with a friend. Anyway...the wife and 2
kiddos are asleep at 8:20 on a Friday night and this leaves me some
time to just remember how vibrant this was at a time. Don't get me
wrong, my life goes on....but also I have been searchig for an e-mail
listserv since this one went down that can meet all of the criteria
that this one covered and haven't found it yet. Maybe there is
another one out there.....but I still haven't found what I'm looking
Out here,
Post by Rick CallenderI think that was some of it with me. I went through a lot of personal change
and growth throughout my twenties. I think the orchard served as a grounding
point for me during those times. Now that I've gotten older, and the orchard
had been paved over, it's usefulness has come full circle to a degree. I
wonder if I had found the old orchard back then at the age I am now, if it
would have spoken to me as it did.
Subject: Re: [lostees] Oh, my.
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 6:19 PM
And here I just thought things felt that way because I was 20. Sad-glad to
hear that you guys felt the same way.
Redhead Jen
Glory days well they'll pass you by. Glory days.
From: Rick Callender
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 15:06:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [lostees] Oh, my.
I hear you, Barry.
Those were days filled with much electricity, much change... The orchard
felt like home to me when it was small and things felt so new and full of
Subject: Re: [lostees] Oh, my.
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 4:57 PM
I miss those days. :-(
Out here,
Post by YsobelleLook what Drew opened up.
Oh, the memories...!
http://www.drewvoge l.com/actwin/
"If then we are thus citizens of Heaven, let our walk and actions be
consistent with our high dignity." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"If then we are thus citizens of Heaven, let our walk and actions be
consistent with our high dignity." -- C.H. Spurgeon
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